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Video Games
Kürzel Deckname | Name | |
1000_words | Final Fantasy X-2 ~ 1000 Words | |
acnl | Animal Crossing: New Leaf | |
altair | Assassin's Creed: Altair | |
ani_hori_cross | Animal Crossing: New Horizon | |
back_to_nature | Harvest Moon: Back To Nature | |
champion | League Of Legends | |
child_of_light | Child Of Light | |
darkness | Zelda - Twilight Princess | |
donkey64 | Donkey Kong 64 | |
fight | Super Smash Bros. Brawl | |
gaia | Final Fantasy VII: 2012 PC Remake | |
gullwings | Final Fantasy X-2 | |
hades | Hades | |
harvey | Harveys neue Augen | |
hoenn | Pokemon Rubin/Saphir/Smaragd | |
hots | Heroes of the Storm | |
ivalice | Final Fantasy XII | |
johto | Pokemon Gold/Silber/Kristall | |
just_dance_15 | Just Dance 2015 | |
kanto | Pokemon Blau/Rot/Gelb | |
last_of_us | The Last Of Us | |
lilplanet | Little Big Planet | |
lucis | Final Fantasy XV | |
madness | Alice: Madness Returns | |
majora | The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask | |
mariokart | Mario Kart Wii | |
mario_galaxy | Super Mario Galaxy | |
minecraft | Minecraft | |
mineral_town | Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town | |
moorhuhn | Moorhuhn Shooter | |
mysims | MySims (Kingdom) | |
nobodies | Kingdom Hearts II | |
paradox | Final Fantasy XIII-2 | |
pokemon_go | Pokemon GO | |
pulse | Final Fantasy XIII | |
ragnarok | Ragnarok Online | |
seasons | Harvest Moon: Story of Seasons | |
seed | Final Fantasy VIII Remastered | |
sims1 | Die Sims | |
sims2 | Die Sims 2 | |
sims3 | Die Sims 3 | |
sims_4 | Sims 4 | |
sinnoh | Pokemon Pearl/Diamond/Platin | |
sonic | Sonic the Hedgehog | |
spira | Final Fantasy X | |
stardew | Stardew Valley | |
survivor | Tomb Raider - A Survivor is born | |
suteki | Final Fantasy X HD Remastered - Yuna and Tidus kissing | |
symphonia_ii | Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World | |
syndicate | Assassin's Creed: Syndicate | |
tempomorph | Edna bricht aus | |
triforce | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | |
tsushima | Ghost of Tsushima | |
tsushima_shizen | Ghost of Tsushima - Landschaften | |
two_towns | Harvest Moon: Tale Of Two Towns | |
unity | Assassin's Creed: Unity | |
until_dawn | Until Dawn | |
wow | World of Warcraft | |
xblade | Kingdom Hearts - Birth By Sleep | |
yoshi | Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island |